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Collective Worship

St Laurence Church of England Primary School - Collective Worship


Introduction of Value.

The Headteacher will introduce and lead Collective Worship based on the Value we are learning about each half term.

What does the value mean?

How can we live this value out in school and in our community. 




Every Monday we develop our understanding of this Virtue.

What is your understanding so far? Biblical references. Songs that support the meaning of the Value being taught.



Music Assembly

Both inspirational and religious songs are taught and practised.

Provide avenues in which to demonstrate.



British Values

Discuss and support deeper  understanding of the Values. This sometimes takes place as a Class Worship -  activities, information and prayer are planned to support this. 

Ways to appreciate others, showing mutual respect and tolerance for others; opportunities to learn about Individual Liberty (the rights we have including the right to express ourselves; Rule of Law and Democracy. The latter includes learning about and practising fair systems and voting in school.  



School and the wider


News, relevant calendar events / School Council / Visitors / presenting what we have made or discussed in our Class Worship. 

An opportunity to pass on whole school information and relevant events that concern us as Christians, a school community and as part of a wider community.

School Prayer.










Awards Celebration




Class Assembly






Children are acknowledged

for their achievements in our Awards Celebration



Class Assembly -  where children show what they have been learning in their class. This includes Literacy, Maths, Learning Challenge, R.E., Music etc.


Parents are invited to Friday assemblies by formal invitation.

Gold Award: Children are recognised for the effort and achievement in school work and homework.


Star of the Week: Children are recognised for their learning attitudes, positive learning behaviour and Learn to Learn Skills.


Children walk the red carpet and receive a certificate and sash. Each child is able to discuss their achievements.