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Admissions and Appeals

All admissions are dealt with by the local authority - follow the link below for more information.

If you are interested in your child coming to our school, we would recommend that you make an arrangement to visit the school and see the excellent work and welcoming atmosphere for yourself.

Please phone the office on 0115 9728469 to make an appointment.


If you couldn't get a place for your child in the school you wanted you can appeal against the decision.

Primary and junior appeals

If your appeal is for a child starting school for the first time during the 2024 to 2025 academic year or transferring from year 2 at an infant school to junior provision in September 2024, you can appeal if your application is unsuccessful.

If you are informed of a decision for reception 2024 to 2025 or junior school for September 2024  on or after 16 April 2024 or it relates to an in year admission, you should submit your appeal within 20 school  days of being told that your application was unsuccessful.

See guidance for making your primary, infant and junior school admissions appeal.

Timescales for appeals being heard

For decisions notified on National Offer Days 1 March 2024 for secondary schools and 16 April 2024 for primary and junior schools, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals.

For decisions relating to late applications notified after the National Offer Days, appeals should be heard with 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

All other appeals must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

Parents will be given 10 school days’ notice of the date and arrangement of the appeals hearing.

The deadline by which the appellant must submit any further evidence is 6 days prior to the appeals hearing.

Admission authorities must submit their evidence 5 school days prior to the appeal hearing.

The clerk will send out the appeal papers at least 5 school days prior to the appeal hearing.

The clerk will notify the appellant of the decision within 5 school days of the appeal hearing.