STEM day - We had visitors in school today from Boot. They worked with the children from years 4 and 5. As part of the day they took apart a pc and discussed what all the different parts did. They used coding to make music and used fruit in their circuit and they built bridges. It was a fantastic day.
Year 3 and 4 trip to Magna science museum
During the spring term we visited the science museum for the day. The purpose of this was because out summer term science topic is Sound and this was an opportunity to do some pre- learning and well as visit other areas of the museum. The children had a fantastic day as the museum is very hands on giving the children the opportunity to learn and explore new things.
British Science week 2023
During British Science week we have looked at various different aspects of science. We showed all the exciting things that we had done in an assembly, which was really exciting.
Exciting news !
We have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark. We have spent the last year working really hard to improve the profile of Science across the school.
Science is good at St Laurence when....
Science Code of Conduct
Cross Curricular Links
These are suggested books that are available to use that will link to the different science topics covered in each year group.
British Science Week 2021
Science Enrichment in Years 3 and 4
STEMterprise Project in Zimbabwe Class
Greece Class STEMterprise
Singapore STEMterprise week
British Science Week March 2022
Sublime Science - June 2022