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Learning Challenge

Year A 2024/2025

Autumn 1- How did the Tudors change the monarchy? 

The children will learn about Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn and other significant figures from the Tudor period. In Science year 5/6 will learn about gestation and changes in humans as they grow and develop. 

Autumn 2- What Keeps Me Alive?

This half-term we are learning about the circulatory system, including the heart and lungs. We will be writing an explanation text about how they work. In geography, we will be learning about Trade and Economics and finding out how global trade affects what we buy and sell in the UK.  

Spring 1- Evolution or Inheritance?

In Science, we will be finding out which characteristics are inherited and which are the result of adaptation. In History, the focus will be on WWII including the causes of the war and the impact on the people of Britain. 

Spring 2-What is life like in the Alps?

In this half term we will be learning key facts about the Alps, including identifying where they are and the main human and physical characteristics. In French, we are learning to speak and write about our houses and where we live. In Science, we are investigating light and how it travels including how this enables us to see. 

Summer 1 - What's the Matter?

In this half-term, we are learning about the properties of materials and investigating their: hardness, transparency and magnetism. We will also be exploring the causes of the Second World War and finding out the impact of the war on us today. In PE, we will be practising our athletics skills with a focus on running, jumping and throwing.

Summer 2 - Who should feature on the £10 note?

This half-term, the History unit prepares the children for the challenges of Key stage 3 History. It gives them the historical skills of inference, extracting information from sources, evaluating historical figures and the opportunity, like historians, to decide their criteria for significance. In Science, children will be looking at the properties of different materials. 


Year B 2025/2026

Autumn Term 1- What did the Greeks do for us?

This term we will be finding out what the Greeks invented and how they have influenced our lives in modern times. We will also be finding out about planets and the solar system is Science and French.

Autumn Term 2 - Why do the oceans matter?

This term we will be learning about the different oceans of the world and the importance of the Great Barrier Reef. In Science, we will learn about the work of Carl Linnaeus and his classification system, and we will be developing our sketching skills when we draw portraits.

Spring Term 1- Where does our energy come from?

This term we will be looking at the question 'Where does our energy come from?' and finding out how energy is generated and which type of energy are best for the environment. In Science, we will be investigating sexual and asexual reproduction of animals and plants. 

Spring Term 2- Who were the Maya?

This half term we will be investigating The Maya people and their civilisation. We will be exploring their homelands and their way of life. In geography we will be comparing Mexico to the United Kingdom. 

Summer 1- Can I generate, design and create?

This half term we will be focussing on Design Technology and designing an automata toy for a shop window display. In English, we will be writing instructions to make the toy and then making it using cams and wooden dowels for movement. In Science, we will be learning about Forces as pushes and pulls.

Summer 2-How did Eyam save England?

This half term we will be visiting the village of Eyam in Derbyshire to find out how they protected the rest of the country from an outbreak of plague in the 1600's. We will be investigating the 'cures' and protective measures put in place and comparing them to present day. In Science will be investigating electricity and in DT we will be creating our own recipes.