Class Information
Class Dojo
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We use the Whiterose Maths scheme of work. For further information please visit the maths page of the website.
Our PE day is Tuesday Children should bring their PE kit to school, ensuring long hair is tied back, and any jewellery is removed.
St Laurence PE Kit:
- White t-shirt
- Plain navy or black shorts
- Black plimsolls (indoor PE)
- Black, dark blue, grey tracksuit bottoms
- Trainers or pumps (outdoor PE)
School Uniform
St Laurence School Uniform:
- Plain white or blue shirt, blouse or polo shirt
- Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
- Navy blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
- Navy blue fleece for outdoor wear only
- Blue and white summer dress
- White, grey, navy or black socks or tights
- Plain black shoes
Please label all items of clothing.
Maths homework will be sent home each week. All the spellings for the half-term will be sent home at the beginning of the half-term. Maths homework should be returned to school on a Thursday. The spelling test will take place on Friday.
Other information
If your child has permission to walk home from school alone please let the office know as you will need to sign a permission slip.
Contact details
or use Class Dojo to contact your teacher directly