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Looked After Children (LAC/PLAC)

Looked After Children (LAC) and Previously Looked After Children (PLAC)

Educational achievement and subsequent life chances for looked after and previously looked after children are of a real concern. Pupils who are looked after and previously looked after require special treatment and additional attention in order to improve their outcomes.

St Laurence Primary School and endeavours to provide positive experiences and offer stability, safety, and individual care and attention for all our pupils. With this in mind, we aim to:

  • Encourage pupils to reach their potential and to make good progress in relation to their professional, social and emotional development.
  • Ensure that pupils enjoy high quality teaching and a curriculum which meets their needs and the requirements of legislation.
  • Plan support for LAC and PLAC realistically and using the school’s resources efficiently in order to ensure the school meets their needs.
  • Promote a positive culture in all aspects of school life.
  • Help pupils develop their cultural, moral and social understanding.                                                 Our school’s Designated Teacher for LAC is: Mr P Hallam (Assistant Head/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)