How do you communicate with parents?
Most of our communication to parents is done via Class Dojo or face to face. We have an open-door policy in the mornings where you can pass messages to the class teacher before 8.50am. After this time, messages can be sent directly via Dojo or through the school office. We also use email and text messages when necessary.
How do I join Class Dojo?
Your child's teacher can send you a link to join. Only parents should join Dojo, however it is possible to have two separate accounts for each child.
What do I do if I’m going to be late to collect my child?
Please phone the school office on 01159728469 as soon as possible. We will not allow anyone else to collect your child without prior instruction. If you are late, we may need to place your child into after-school club which may incur a charge.
Can someone else collect my child?
Only if you have let the office or class teacher know in advance and given a password.
How do I book After-School or Breakfast Club?
You can book via your school money login or via the school office. Payment will be taken in advance.
What do I do if my child needs medication?
School can only administer medication that has been prescribed by a GP or hospital. You must complete a medication form at the office. All medications, creams etc. must be stored in the office. Throat lozenges and non-prescribed medications must not be given to children in their bags.
What do I do if my child has head lice?
Please keep your child at home and treat them as soon as possible and let the school know. Long hair should be tied back for both boys and girls to limit the spread of lice.
What is for lunch? How much is it?
A copy of the termly lunch menu along with the current price can be obtained from the school office. All KS1 children receive free school meals.
What should I pack in my child’s lunch box?
If you choose to send a packed lunch for your child, it should contain healthy foods that contain NO NUTS. Items could include:
sandwiches (not jam or chocolate spread)
pasta salad
vegetable sticks
For examples of healthy and filling lunches see https://www.nhs.uk/healthier-families/recipes/healthier-lunchboxes/#recipes
What is a good breaktime snack?
KS2 children are permitted to bring a small snack for breaktime. These should not be chocolate, sweets or fried crisps. Fruit, popcorn and NUT-FREE snack bars are all acceptable examples.
What is the uniform/PE kit?
Our school uniform rules are laid out in the Uniform section of the website. https://www.st-laurence.derbyshire.sch.uk/page/?title=Uniform&pid=56
When is PE/homework due/half-term?
Dates and times that are specific to your child's class, e.g. PE day can be found under their class page on the website and in the half-termly overview on Class Dojo. Other school dates can be found on the website calendar or the Class Dojo calendar.
What do I do if my child loses something?
Lost property can be found at the entrance to the KS2 corridor. Named uniform will be returned to its owner each half-term. Children can go to find their own things or parents are welcome to come in at the beginning or end of the school day. Unnamed lost property will be disposed of each half-term or added to the spare uniform.
Performance Measures Tables - Information and key results for our school