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Learning Challenge

Summer 2

Who Can Help Us?

Our new curriculum question is, 'Who can Help Us?' 

We will start the term by reading Zog and the Flying Doctors. This is another wonderful book by Julia Donaldson.  In this story, Princess Pearl, Sir Gadabout and their trusty 'air ambulance', Zog the dragon, fly around tending a sunburnt mermaid, a distressed unicorn and a sneezy lion.  Pearl's uncle, the King, doesn't think princesses should be doctors until he himself falls ill, and only Pearl knows how to cure him. As well as spending time sequencing and retelling this story, we will also enjoy identifying rhyming words and learning to write our own rhyming sentences. 

This term we will be finding out about the roles of people in our community. We will start by looking at the role of a doctor. We will then look in detail at the role of a vet, a police officer and a firefighter. We will also learn about road safety.


Summer 1

What's the Scariest Creature?

Our new curriculum question is, 'What's the Scariest Creature?'
We will start the term by reading Handa's Surprise. This story is set in Africa. Through this wonderful text, we will compare life in Handa's village to our environment. We will learn about a range of African animals and we will explore the seven delicious fruits that Handa puts in her basket.
We will then spend time learning and retelling 'The Gruffalo'. Whilst discovering just how scary this creature is and designing our own scary creature, we will also learn about dinosaurs. Which dinosaurs were really scary? Which dinosaurs were carnivores? How did herbivores protect themselves? Which was the scariest dinosaur?